Old School Music Lover

The other morning I woke up to hearing my daughter actually sing over the monitor. It was one of THE best feelings I have ever had. I have been obsessed with music, pretty much, my whole life. To see that in my daughter just makes my heart swell. That, and her little sing song voice is SO SO cute!!

I sang my whole life, from concerts, choirs, plays, family events, you name it! I took singing lessons for years and just generally, always had music on. All sorts of music. I go through phases. Like right now I am really into Billy Joel, Hall and Oates and Paul Simon. Eloise is really into most Billy Joel, but not so much Hall and Oates. She loves dance and kids music. She stops every time the theme song for The Office or Friends comes on. We both LOVE musicals. I can’t wait until she gets JUST a bit bigger and we can go see musicals live together!!

I LOVE that this little girl LOVES music as much as me, if not more. Now if only I can get her to like crafts as much as me. 😉 She would rather run around and kick the ball with her dad though.

She is so so cute.

And yes, the photo of her sneaking into my records basket totally inspired this mini shoot.

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