Nolan James Gardner. Born April 9th 2021. At 2:16pm via C-Section. Weighing 7 pounds and 5 ounces. Born exactly 20 inches long, just like both of his big sisters. He is perfect. He is beautiful and he is here.
Our week leading up to the day was a hectic one. The Monday before delivery Matthew ended up at the same hospital and needing surgery on a kidney stone. He was mostly healed but it was a crazy beginning to a week that ended up just as eventful.
Friday we dropped the girls off at Matthew’s sister’s for the weekend. They were excited to spend time with some of their favorite people. I had no worries the girls would have a blast. After we dropped them off Matthew and I headed to the hospital.
The surgery and everything went great, despite my minor panic attack before that I was going to have a panic attack during surgery.
*fun memory for me during surgery* Dr is pulling baby out and asked me “So did you get kicked in the ribs a lot during pregnancy because he just spring-boarded off your ribs.” Yes. Yes he did.
I have always brought my big camera to delivery. I set it on Auto and hand it to my husband. He is not a professional by any means but these photos are ALWAYS my favorite and always mean the most to me. It was the same this time. This time a nurse grabbed my camera and took a few of us three together. I didn’t even know they exsisted until I started editing the photos and found them. Instant tears. The photos of Matthew and I looking at each other while holding our new son will probably one of my most treasured photos ever. Thank you ER nurse lady, it really meant a lot.
Now on to the whole reason everyone is reading this. The dude himself. Nolan James. Despite the fact that Nolan was moving CONSTANTLY in my belly, we have been given the most chill, content baby. He is so perfect in every way. It’s hysterical his name means Champion because the word everyone keeps using for him is “Champ”. He is a professional eater, a wonderful sleeper and when he is awake he is alert and LOVES to be talked to. He is has been our easiest baby. I kid that he is just giving us a break because he is going to be a wild toddler.
We are so so in love with him. We were able to go home after day 2. We got a day at home with just Matthew, Nolan and I before the girls came. I can not WAIT to share those images/stories with this blog.
Until then, here are my favorite photos from delivery. I just get so emotional looking at them, and I am not typically that emotional of a person.
Every other baby we had our good friend Ashley come and take Fresh 48 photos for us, but thanks to COVID we couldn’t have anyone in the room. So I snapped a few of Nolan myself.
Nolan James Gardner. We love you.