Little Miss 8 Months



Well it ALMOST happened. I almost forgot about the 8 month update! I remembered 10 minutes before we were supposed to walk out the door last night. I grabbed the blanket, eloise and my camera and took a few. ( yes the blanket is crazy wrinkle-y and you can’t even read the hashtag, but its OK. It’s life.) Is it weird I am obsessed with doing them on the actual DAY? Probably. Though the blog post is going up a day late, at least the photos were taken on the actual day right?

It was a WHIRLWIND of a month. Let me tell you. It may have been the hardest month since having Eloise. (I don’t remember much from the first 1-2 months so maybe that was harder?) And let me just tell you. TEETHING SUCKS. This girl is trying to get FOUR (yes four) teeth to come through right now and it isn’t fun for anyone. On top of crazy busy schedules and sleepless nights. But I am focusing on the good. Like, even though she is in pain Eloise is still smiling and happy most of the day, and we leave for vacation in one week! YAY Emerald Isle! I just keep repeating that this is a phase and it is not forever.

That all being said it was a good month still with lots of smiles and growing!

Fun Facts:

  • Now has two official teeth!! ( four more working their way down!)
  • Is standing up on everything and walking around the furniture. She has even gotten brave and let go a few times recently. I think we may have a walker sooner rather than later.
  • LOVES music.
  • Is now clapping to music! Sometimes even on beat! This makes this mama happy! (I should add plays “patty cake” here also!!)
  • Loves to dance to music! she bops up and down and claps!
  • Giving kisses on request or just because! It is literally the SWEETEST thing!
  • Loves to “High-five” She thinks it’s hilarious!!
  • Started waving. At everyone. At no-one. She has learned the words “Hi” and “Bye” and if anything sounds remotely like them her little hand is a-flappin!

This Month in the life of Eloise

  • Celebrated her first Fathers Day!
  • Lots of Play dates
  • Lots and Lots of photoshoots ( Sorry little sis, mama is going to have you working in no time!)
  • More boat rides and pool time!

We can’t wait for next month! I LOOVE the Fourth of July Holiday and vacation! It’s going to be a great month!!


This may look like she is pushing me away but she is really practicing her new skill in waving. 

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