Rue July turned one month old. This month has been wild and crazy. Full of love and sleepless nights. I keep telling everyone that going from 3 to 4 kids has been out hardest transition, but I definitely think that just has to do with the ages of all the other kiddos. Mostly Nolan.
Rue has been an easy babe. She does like to be held a bit more than any of my other kids and sleeping at night hasn’t come QUIIIITTEEE as easy, but I still think we have it pretty good. I also think once we transition Rue out of our room we will all get so much more sleep.
She is:
- Observant. She’s always just watching her siblings carefully.
- Smiley. She started smiling this week and the kids think its the greatest thing!
- Well loved. Her siblings are still very obsessed with her.
- 8 pounds!
This month she:
- Was born!!
- Came home and met all of her wild siblings!
- Had a family Thanksgiving
- Went to the zoolights!
- Had her first family Christmas party
- Went Christmas Tree hunting
She completes our family and we love her so much! We are so excited to celebrate the holidays with her!!